Chuck's Academy

Middlewares in Node

Middlewares for Logging

Middlewares for Logging

Logging is an essential part of any application. Logs help us monitor the application's state, debug errors, and understand how the system behaves under different loads. In this module, we will explore how to use middlewares to implement logging in a Node.js application.

Importance of Logging

Logs provide a way to record important events and issues that occur in the application. By integrating them into the lifecycle of requests and responses, you get a clear view of how users interact with the system and how the system responds.

Logging Middleware with morgan

morgan is a popular middleware for logging HTTP requests in Node.js. It is easy to use and highly configurable.


First, install morgan using npm:


Basic Configuration

Next, let's see how to configure morgan to log incoming requests.


In this example, morgan('combined') logs requests in a combined format that includes details about the HTTP method, status, URL, response time, and more.

Advanced Configuration

You can customize morgan to log only certain information or to change its output format.

Example: Custom Logging


In this example, we have defined a custom format called myFormat that includes the HTTP method, the URL, response status, content length, and response time.

Logging to Files

Often, it is useful to save logs to files rather than just displaying them in the console. This is especially useful for later analysis or auditing.

Example: File Logging using morgan and fs


This example configures morgan to log all requests to a file called access.log in the current directory. The flag { flags: 'a' } ensures that the logs are appended to the file instead of overwriting it.

[Insert image here: Diagram showing how requests pass through the logging middleware and then are logged to a file.]

Using middlewares for logging enhances the observability of your application and provides valuable insights for debugging and monitoring. In the next module, we will explore implementing authentication and authorization using middlewares.

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